The Internet Observatory informs NetBlocks reporting and the wider human rights community using measurement, classification and attribution techniques to detect internet disruptions, online censorship and cyber-attacks on critical infrastructure in the defence of human rights, democratic process and digital prosperity.
Non-partisan internet observation and monitoring is a collaborative effort that requires high standards for impartiality and accuracy based on credible methodologies that incorporate best practices that are suitable to operate at internet-scale.
These efforts enhance digital integrity by deterring and exposing disruptions and shutdowns, deterring and mitigating potentials for internet-based attacks on critical infrastructure and offering recommendations for improving internet governance and digital policy to build more resilient and decentralised networks. The process towards these objectives is an ongoing one, and we invite participation and input from the wider community.
The programme integrates first-party and third-party data sources to deliver a unified view of connectivity and platform reachability during crises, elections, civic mobilisation as well as weather and seismic events that can impact human rights and democracy.
Our internet governance initiatives seek to promote public confidence as the internet’s usage evolves to new form factors and to promote safe, secure and private citizen participation through platforms that are free of censorship and unreasonable restrictions while enshrining transparency, fundamental human rights and the rule of law.